Renewable Energy
In Sweden usage of biomass energy has already surpassed that of oil.
In one hour sun emits so much power into earth’s direction, that if we only were able to capture it, we will power the whole planet for a year.
Solar Energy Drawbacks
n future we’ll move into direction of renewable energy we should have a look at benefits and limitations of all of them. Below I’ll just focus on the drawbacks of solar panels.
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Fossil fuels will come to an end sooner or later and we will have to switch into some alternatives. We use some of them already (in most countries on a small scale). Lets have a look at most popular of them.
Economists have discussed it many times, what exactly should be done to switch the world into using renewable energy. The one single most important think they talk about is… taxes.
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if the air will stay still for too long period of time, we will probably run out of electricity all the same.
Traditional energy consortiums can control the market very easy, thanks to low level of customers awareness. The average Joe will not actively seek for other opportunities that those he’s told about in TV.
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Hydropower overview
The working mechanism of water turbine is actually very simple. At the beginning of a cycle we’ve got a dam. It helps us to store lots of water in a reservoir. Then we release that water through a tunnel onto a turbine. Thanks to very strong pressure, water propels the turbines and their movement produces electricity.
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Energy Sources of the Future
Our main alternatives to fossil fuels are windmills and solar panels. Both of them are “green”, they don’t emit any pollution, but yet both of them depend on the weather.
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Biomass overview
Our civilization goes to the point of dramatic change. Almost everything we do today makes use of electric energy. Electric energy we take from coal and oil. Coal and oil are going to be finished in next few hundred years. What we’re going to face is total transformation of way we get electricity – a [...]
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