Going Green

admin on December 17th, 2010

Even motorized pedal bike can be called a hybrid vehicle in a way. But nowadays when we talk about hybrid cars we usually have hybrid electric vehicles in mind.

Continue reading about Hybrid cars pluses and minuses

admin on December 2nd, 2010

A big advantage of them is that their self-discharge rate is very low. It stays at the level of about 40 percent for a year.

Continue reading about Lead-Acid Batteries – another way to go green.

admin on November 27th, 2010

When politicians do what they can to censor global warming, journalist seek for sensational news. And climate change is a hit. Media need to attract peoples attention, and instead of trying to find objective truth and stimulate proper debate, they just show it as something ‘leading to the point of no way back’.

Continue reading about Global warming censorship

Compact fluorescent light bulbs – are they really good?

admin on November 7th, 2010

We are told not to bin these bulbs but to dispose them to special containers.. I think this speaks for itself.

Continue reading about Compact fluorescent light bulbs – are they really good?

admin on November 4th, 2010

It’s said that one hour of jogging in Manhattan will make such damages to your health, that it can be compared to those made by smoking one packet of cigarettes.

Continue reading about Simple tips on how reduce air pollution