In search of the Infinite Energy Source -Nikola Tesla’s struggles

Nikola Tesla was Yugoslavian  inventor, who lived in the second half of nineteenth, and first half of twentieth century. He contributed to invention of large part of technologies that we use in our everyday lives today. Although during his life he we was well known, he’s name was removed from history books after his death for some reason.  Today, only those interested in alternative energy sources know who he was.

tesla inventorLets take simple example as radio. Almost everyone think that was invented by Italian scientist Gulielmo Marconi nowadays. But the truth is that Tesla was the first to fill the patent. But Marconi managed to promote himself as inventor, as he was more success-oriented. Tesla was more focused on his inventions than on PR and marketing. Although he also made some public presentations – mainly that of electricity. So he at least didn’t suffer public speaking anxiety.  Only as late as in year nineteen forty three  the Supreme Court of United States overturned Marconi’s patent in favour of Tesla.

He’s spent lots of time dreaming of free energy generator that would power all world.  He had his first visions on that sort of project as a child. He thought he could  capture Niagara Waterfalls power and then use it to supply local people’s households. And that vision came true. He realized it in eighteen ninety six  –Niagara Fallsenergy was then first used to supplyBuffalocity. It was possible only after five years of hard work of engineers, mechanics and workers. Some of sponsors had already started doubting in sense of the project. The idea was highly innovative that times. So just the plain fact of actually running that new kind of powerhouse was considered a great success to everyone involved.

But yet that was just part of he’s projects, and his vision was going much, much further into the future technologies. He wanted to build a sort of solar energy receiver which would be able to gather and distribute solar energy. That idea he’d left aside. Tesla’s biggest dream connected to energy searches was to get free energy from the Earth. His vision was that he will pump electricity inside the planet and then, change it’s inner state, so that it will be possible for everyone to get it back from everywhere in the world.  That way it was going to be free. To get it one was going to need just pocket device. Using planet as a sort of oscillator he wanted to construct free energy generator – quantity of electricity that people could get was going to be infinite.

Bad luck this machine was never made. In the end of nineteen zero one, Tesla’s sponsor  investor – JP Morgan refused further credits for development of this project.

At this point I’d like mention Tesla’s quirks. He had lots of  compulsive-obsessive behaviours. Most of them were focused on counting  things like breaths or jaw movements during eating. He also felt he has to compete all things he started. For example if he started reading any given authors book, he had to real all his books.

Tesla died in 1943 leaving one thousand two hundreds patents and hundreds  of ideas that he newer wrote down.

Renewable Energy – overview

Renewable energy is a electricity that we receive from natural processes phenomena like geothermal heat, wind, ocean waves or sunlight. That natural phenomena are constantly repeated, and will be constantly repeated forever. Using this sources, we know they’re replenished immediately. If we don’t make use of them  they will just go to waste.

free energy generatorToday the process of replacing traditional energy sources (fossil fuels) with renewable sources is actually just starting. It will be realize on four different areas simultaneously. There will be transformations in:  generating electric energy, fuels used for transport, heating of buildings (and getting hot water) and rural (off-grid) energy services. Let’s examine them a bit closer.

Energy Generating. Nowadays we receive 18 % of all electricity worldwide from renewables. Receivers of many sorts (for example water turbines, windmills, solar panels – free energy generator) are spread across the world. Some of economies managed already to switch into using renewable sources as main ones, or even the only ones. LikeIceland – they’re receiving one hundred percent of electric power from renewables.Brazil also is doing well getting 85 % andNew Zealand 65 %.

Space heating. In some economies using solar rays to heat water makes an important contribution to energy usage policy. We can see that inChinawhere they supply about 50 to 60 million households with this system. There are estimations saying that the rest of the world there is about 70 million building that use that system for water heating. Other houses are heated with biomass, and direct geothermal heating. InSwedenusage of biomass energy has already surpassed that of oil.

Transport fuels. In that area we find renewable source in a form of biofuels. They are in use worldwide (although not in all countries) and let is to partly replace gasoline use. These are the ways transformation into renewable energy sources goes today.

Saving on electricity bills: my bullet-proof strategy

During global financial crisis everyone is looking for savings. Governments cut spending on unnecessary things (or pretend to do so) and average people ask themselves a questions like “how can I save money?”,  “what on my shopping list is something I don’t really need?” and so on. Also electric power bills are often the reason of headache, especially that they grow larger and larger every quarter. In this text I just want to support you with few simple tips to reduce them.

Saving on electricity tip 1.

Unplug electrical devices when you don’t use them. For example mobile charger will continue using electricity after you’d taken your phone off it. As long as it’s plugged, it will cost you money.

Saving on electricity tip 2.

A piece of equipment you should look at is refrigerator. In many cases it needs solid cleaning. The most important parts are the coils on the back and space underneath. When there is some rubbish or dust there, it uses more electricity.

Saving on electricity tip 3.

Check if there is anything that obstructs vents of your furnace. These are usually furniture, but can be anything that you’ll put in wrong place. If yes, it makes air conditioning using much more electric power that it should. In that case, fix it as soon as possible.

Saving on electricity tip 4.

Never leave  a shower or exhaust fan running. This is also when cleaning dishes. Don’t walk away to another room leaving light on. If necessary – install a timer in your bathroom. The lights will automatically switch off.

Last special tip on saving on electricity bills.

Invest few bucks and make yourself a free energy generator. It will make you partly or completely independent from your current electricity supplier. Surely it will lower the amount of money you spend for energy at the moment.