Renewable energy is a electricity that we receive from natural processes phenomena like geothermal heat, wind, ocean waves or sunlight. That natural phenomena are constantly repeated, and will be constantly repeated forever. Using this sources, we know they’re replenished immediately. If we don’t make use of them  they will just go to waste.

Today the process of replacing traditional energy sources (fossil fuels) with renewable sources is actually just starting. It will be realize on four different areas simultaneously. There will be transformations in:  generating electric energy, fuels used for transport, heating of buildings (and getting hot water) and rural (off-grid) energy services. Let’s examine them a bit closer.

Energy Generating. Nowadays we receive 18 % of all electricity worldwide from renewables. Receivers of many sorts (for example water turbines, windmills, solar panels – free energy generator) are spread across the world. Some of economies managed already to switch into using renewable sources as main ones, or even the only ones. Like Iceland – they’re receiving one hundred percent of electric power from renewables. Brazil also is doing well getting 85 % and New Zealand 65 %.

Space heating. In some economies using solar rays to heat water makes an important contribution to energy usage policy. We can see that in China where they supply about 50 to 60 million households with this system. There are estimations saying that the rest of the world there is about 70 million building that use that system for water heating. Other houses are heated with biomass, and direct geothermal heating. In Sweden usage of biomass energy has already surpassed that of oil.

Transport fuels. In that area we find renewable source in a form of biofuels. They are in use worldwide (although not in all countries) and let is to partly replace gasoline use.

These are the ways transformation into renewable energy sources goes today.

free energy generator

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