Windmills give us renewable electricity – we used it from centuries and we will newer run out of it. Let’s see how the way we use it changed over hundreds of years.
Humanity first used the power of wind about seven thousand years back in time. That was when ancient Egyptians promoted navigation on the Nile river with it.
We’re not sure when exactly first windmills were built, some theories say about the regions of China or Persia. Later in the Romans adopted them about 250 AD. Yet they didn’t developed them, and didn’t used them widely. Then they were developed in Sistan (in Iran) only as late as in seventh century. Only then they were advanced to the level that actually brought out a practical use.  That was the milestone.

From then, windmills were used for providing farm homes with water supply,  pumping water for livestock and grinding grains. Only in eighteen eighty eight  first wind turbines made especially to generate energy has been created. From then till now they’ve been developed a lot. Nowadays there are even vertical axis turbines. What they do is reacting for different wind directions and then adapting to it. They also adapt to constant wind strength changes. But most important improvement happened inside windmill. That is generator that converts the power of mechanical movement into electricity.

In modern times issue of wind energy comes to wilder use during huge energy crisis of 70’s. As oil prices picked up dramatically, governments invested huge money in renewable energy technologies researches and development. Scientists are looking for free energy generator. As an example, the wind farms were developed. They produce huge amounts of electric power, and then send it to utility customers. Lots of economies across the world still don’t make any use of wind energy. So there is massive potential for rise in the field. 

free energy generator

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